Independence Day!
Independence Day is our favorite holiday here at Boss Paintball. On the 4th day of July 1776 our founding fathers published the greatest article to be known by man, this article was a Declaration of Independence from a tyrannical and oppressive leadership. This specific 4th day of July is unique for us here at Boss Paintball, not only are we celebrating our Independence as a nation but we are also celebrating our independence as a business. George Torres is officially the sole owner of Boss Paintball! So when you see him in the trailer or on the field make sure to congratulate him! He has worked very hard for many years and sacrificed much of himself into Boss Paintball. George told me this holiday weekend we had at least five of our players get deployed, I know this article came out a little late to celebrate our independence day but Boss Paintball would like to take this as an opportunity to thank all soldiers and service members of the United States Military for their service and our freedoms!